Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New year 2012 ady Come hahaha well it all ready begin^^ 
hahaha so macam mane nk start yer...sebelum nie x pernah nk tulis blog hahaha

well okay kite start dri was i young hahaha see this young child with innocent face(bdk muka murni) haha cuba teka saya yg mane sebelah kiri ker kanan hahaha oowhh sebelah kiri ker...nonono terlalu comel haha saya bdk higusan jerr..sebelah tue kakak saya name diberi Nur ain dahlia..saya pulak sebelah tue the named was given by parent Muhammad ikhwan kui3.. Mine family xder la berasal dri org yg kaya2 or ternama like actrss...chumel kan kami dua haha ini mase agak2 15 tahun yg lalu..mase nie ader dekat gerik umah kami lam sekolah besa we are teacher child both our parent is teacher^.^ okay 
rase nyer cukup kot untuk perasmian blog nie hahaha maklum laa xder saper nk baca lagi...x yah tulis byk kui2...nak tahu lagi...follow laa haha ( promote) =P

Wednesday 28 December 2011